Important! Read Before You Continue!

This website contains fictitious stories. None of the information posted here represents real people or real events. We are wrongly identified as a blog of an existing educational institution in the town of Paphos on the island of Cyprus. We have to declare that this site does not refer to Aspire Private British School in Paphos, Cyprus!

A Great Comparison Website Found on the Web

We just came across this shiny school comparison website which seems to compare multiple aspects of different English schools.

The website compare multiple parameters of each English school as follows:

Educational aspects

School Facilities

Financial Parameters

Ethos and School Life

Staff & Teachers


Each parameter is given a rating between 0 and 5 stars and then an overall school rating is calculated. Ratings are based on polls among parents and students from the respective schools as well as performance of students on external exams, the site says.

The site looks very professional and easy to navigate. It has summarized the most essential information about each educational institution. It offers straight-forward and easy navigation providing the much needed details when choosing an educational institution.

Please, share as much as possible so that parents make the best choice for education of their students.

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