Important! Read Before You Continue!

This website contains fictitious stories. None of the information posted here represents real people or real events. We are wrongly identified as a blog of an existing educational institution in the town of Paphos on the island of Cyprus. We have to declare that this site does not refer to Aspire Private British School in Paphos, Cyprus!

We do not have a proper library but we have a boudoir apartment!

The  school has a new building which was officially opened a few years ago and the school moved from the village to the town. On the opening ceremony there could be seen official from the Municipality among which the Mayor of the city.

On the school website visitors can see the following information about the new modern facilities:

Unfortunately, as of today 2022 - parents are confirming that the school is seriously suffering from lack of investments. The only few improvements were made last year by converting a couple of classroom into computer rooms and adding some whiteboard donated by a parent. This is advertised as a significant upgrade and achievement. Unfortunately the Short sightedness of the school owners is so brutal and it remains one of the few private schools on the entire island where students use paper notebooks (which they are obliged to purchase from the school at the price of 5euro each, while the same in the book store cost not more than a euro), while most other private schools like the TLS School have introduced tablet learning.

This kebap-shop management mentality to make profit from every single piece of paper and racketeer children and parents to pay massive amounts of money for things that normally cost cents has escalated so much that students are obliged to purchase even home-made booklets of copy/printed past papers from Cambridge and Edexcel, which we believe is a violation of at least several laws.

Another thing to mention is the school library. The school library is so poor. The only books that can be found in it were donated by the wife of a deceased person and may be a couple of already read books from the personal library of the managers' home. While I was visiting this as a parent I just could not believe there could be a place that is called "educational institution" which has never ever purchased any books. One can also see this by looking at the student school photographs. Instead of a real book library behind students you can see a blurry background photograph of an image of someone else's library.

The most interesting facility however can be found on the second floor of the south-west side of the building. May be some of you will think this is a special school classroom ... Unfortunately no! Guess what?

This is a spacious luxurious apartment fully equipped with a living room, bedroom and a shiny bathroom!!! A boudoir In a school!!! This is a place for the owners of the school to take some rest, sweet afternoon siestas ... and may be something else... This mentality pretty much resembles the mentality of a night-club owner who has his apartment on top of his night club... who knows.

So Mr Mayor of, if you ever read this article ... if I were in your shoes I would immediately request my name be removed from the marble plate saying you proudly opened the new school premises.

Comments (1) -

  • Hello dear moderator,

    In support of your blog, I would like to express my concerns on behalf of all the girls studying at Aspire Private British School.

    As you probably already know, at Aspire Private British School of Paphos, girls are not allowed to wear trousers throughout the school year. Girls are required to wear skirts and tights even in the coldest and rainiest weather. When putting on trousers, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will immediately be sent home.

    Now, during the rainiest period in Cyprus, girls are faced with the fact that tights cannot warm, while they get wet and blown by a cold wind from the sea, which makes them even colder. At the same time, due to the design of the school, there is no place where one could warm up, and being in the toilet without a reason is prohibited. At this time, the headmistress herself and her deputy walk around in trousers.

    In other British schools in Paphos everywhere there is a choice for students to wear trousers  or skirts, I think everyone understands perfectly well why this is correct. When we had a president at our school, we went to him to convey our requests about this part of uniform to the principal, but she constantly refused to listen about it. Subsequently, having found ourselves without a school president, we tried to ask the teachers to raise this topic at the teacher's meeting, since many of them sincerely understand girls and share our opinion regarding this problem. However, the headmistress with the eternal slogan "take it or leave it" once again ignored this request.

    I want to thank the moderators for this blog, where we all have the opportunity to finally be heard.


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