Every day I pass by the school building. And every day I see the same black jeep parked just in front of the school right in the bus stop.
Have you all seen this? Especially after 10 AM in the morning.
So yesterday I stopped and popped into the school reception to ask who the hell is parking his car and for hours just in front of the school and in the inappropriate place. As this happens on a daily basis they should have seen this car. They should have called the police as this is a regular law violation which also puts all children in a great danger and troubles the traffic significantly.
Can you imagine what the answer of the lady at the reception was?
"This is the car of Mr Hadjimaimouni, the general manager of the school, He always parks there!"
I just lost words! This person, entitled to educate our children is blatantly violating traffic laws. He gives our children a brilliant example.
I cannot say more. This is incredible.
Does that moron actually see the link: school-traffic-busstop-parking-children-education-law-violation-security ?!?!?!