It has been some time since our latest post as we were trying to find more details about an ongoing investigation which is taking place in an European country regarding the owners of Aspire Private British Schools in Paphos.
Our sources have informed us that during a regular internal audit, Electa Communications - the company that has an active contract with the Aspire School of Kebap proivding online educations platform to the school since 2020, has found some graphic and illegal content on its servers uploaded by school officials. This content was immediately reported to the police in the country where the company resides.
The police authorities in the mentioned European country have launched investigation and found out that the content in question may have been uploaded from a location in Cyprus close to Panagia Village. The IP address of this internet connection matches with the address of the Aspire School of British kebap owners.
As a Result: An European Arrest Warrant is being issued for that "person of interest" (the Aspire School of Kebap owner) and should soon arrive here.
What is an EAW - The European arrest warrant ("EAW") is a simplified cross-border judicial surrender procedure – for the purpose of prosecution or executing a custodial sentence or detention order. This cannot be objected and all member states must comply with this and surrender the person to the requesting country immediately.
A confirmation of the same is a website that we found which may be related to this. It clearly reads there are proceedings in a member state:
It looks like someone will soon travel to the Black Sea but not as a tourist :)

This story is under development.