Did you know that the Annual Mathematics European Kangaroo competition took place a few days ago on March 19 2022.

Of course, if your child attends the Aspire Private British Kebap Shop you have no way to know this. The Thales Foundation in Cyprus organizes the Kangaroo competitions every year (Yes! Every Year) and this is not something new.
This year, as always, all schools from the island sent students to the competition... well, almost all schools. Can you guess the one which sent no students?
It could be your child there, comparing knowledge with other students, gaining confidence etc, etc..... it could be but it wasn't because the "policy" of the Hadjimaimouni Private British Kebap owners do not include this. Your children are prepared for kebap shop workers. This is what their vision about education in general is. When you have been a Kebap Shop Owner your entire life and suddenly turn into an educator over night, the best you can do is to implement your understanding about life, kebaps etc into your educational institution.
The math teachers are not to blame, as one would say. They are paid so poorly that sending children to competition would be their last thing to do. Still these teachers are the ones who implement the school policies (or the lack of such).
The Hadjimaimouni owners of the "school" do not care about that at all. Also they avoid sending their students to external science competitions because this is the best way to expose the actual knowledge of these poor kids.
Further more - this is not the only competition which your child has missed. Every month there are different science competitions taking place around the island, but of course you have no way to know about that.
All students, without exception, who left the Aspire Kebap shop to move to other schools are saying one and the same thing: We thought we were good there, once we started in the new school we realized how bad in this or that we actually were.
Carpe Kebap!