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This website contains fictitious stories. None of the information posted here represents real people or real events. We are wrongly identified as a blog of an existing educational institution in the town of Paphos on the island of Cyprus. We have to declare that this site does not refer to Aspire Private British School in Paphos, Cyprus!

What happens to teachers and employees who dare to quit job at school

Hello Blog,

I am a current employee and I would prefer to share this without my contacts for obvious reasons.

Do you know what happens to teachers who dare to quit their jobs at the school? Well I will tell you a few stories:

- A biology teacher left school with a 4 month notification in 2021. He was denied his salary for the months remaining. He needed to seek legal assistance and at this point we are not sure if he managed to get his salary, despite the written contract they had.

- A computer science teacher left in 2021 along with his child (also a student). The child was handled with a false transcript of grades. The marks in the transcript were reduced and that was the revenge for parent who left as a teacher.

- Another skilled computer science teacher left in 2019. He was accused of stealing documents from the school. Of course that only remained as a verbal accusation which was never proved. It was just the teacher who had his reputation harmed.

- A long term employee and a secretary was brutally fired on Christmas 2021 just because of reoccurring health problems. No one asked if these problems were not due to the toxic environment in the school.

Many other examples as well. I am afraid of quitting because the general manager Mr Hadjimaimouni may refuse to pay me so I think I will quite without notice.

I hope you will publish this.




Comments (6) -

  • Do you remember miss Cooke the former Art teacher. She was reported to police being accused of stealing some paintings from the school which were actually her own painting and she kept them in the school. Still she managed to handle this.
    Since she left the school just sank. The current arts teacher is so incompetent. I actually doubt she can draw anything at all. There is no single painting or proper decoration. All that has left was Jays unfinished painting but he studies Art now. So I suggest Mrs H and Mr H go paint outside Smile Smile Smile
  • No actually, the art teacher in comparison to other teachers if very supportive of students and actually cares about getting them the greatest grade they can possibly achieve. She is also very helpful when students are in need of advice, undergoing a lot of exam stress and in general struggling with the environmental pressures. She is very talented but at the end of the day the subject is skill based and not much can be taught; especially for older years. With regards to the mural, its not her piece to be interfering with.
  • Please keep posting this is very amusing and happy to hear that finally you are admitting this after 6 years of me being here
  • There was this ICT teacher (not mentioning any names) that didn't know anything about computers and had to look at the book to see what we had to do and he absolutely hated computers even though that's what he is teaching and the whole class knew better than him
  • I have to say even though it is pretty sodding to see how horrendous this school actually is, it is still wonderful to see that someone eventually speaks out.

    Have been told by a friend of mine whose child was studying in Aspire that there was indeed an ICT teacher who didn't teach anything in class. Children were totally on their own even though the exams weren't cancelled in the end.  

    Get your finger crossed if you will ever meet that teacher.

    By the virtue of a fixed term, a school is supposed to be a place that students can benefit from, if a school is pursuing sheer profits rather than teaching children with a proper manner, treating children with disrespect, then considering shut down this bloody school before being ordered to do so as its license will be revoked at some point and it's just a matter of time.
  • Whoever set this up, thank you so much. I'm an ex-orgy roommate and although the situation was not as bad as it is now, from the beginning there were core problems that led to this chaos. Keep posting more stories, Kebab has always been stingy from the very beginning. As men age they go crazy and it seems like Dr. Snail and Kebab have completely lost their mind.
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