Important! Read Before You Continue!

This website contains fictitious stories. None of the information posted here represents real people or real events. We are wrongly identified as a blog of an existing educational institution in the town of Paphos on the island of Cyprus. We have to declare that this site does not refer to Aspire Private British School in Paphos, Cyprus!

Students from Hogwards have never been to a competition, while other schools send theirs regularly.

Have you heard of the Mathematical Kangaroo Competition? Every year students from all schools in Europe from all ages take part in different mathematical competitions. Not just mathematical. The most recent one will take place this coming March. There was one last year as well.

There are plenty of other competitions for students - English language competitions, Physics Olympiad, language competitions, Sports and swimming competitions etc, etc. 

All these are attended by students from all ages from all schools all over the country. 
BUT you have no way to know about these because the students NEVER attend such competitions. Bright children with interests in mathematics, physics and sports are left in absolute ignorance. Their school simply just do not bother.

There are at least three reasons about that:
- The kebap shop owners Hadjimaimouni have no idea about such competitions. They have never heard about these. May be they have heard but who cares. As long as the kebaps are selling and the parents are paying - all seems ok. Mediocre students are just fine.

- The deputy head Dr. Snail does not bother at all. He is so busy ass-licking his managers and keeping his chair warm. That unfit weird self-proclaimed Dr. and a former insurer agent has absolutely no idea that there are students who need to compete and advance. 

- The relevant subject teachers do not bother as well. These poor young lads are paid so little that for the same salary they could successfully replace the kebap shop personnel.

The results are obvious: The students have never attended any inter-school competitions. They are just not fit for these, nor trained. They go to this parody of school on a daily basis. Their fees go directly in the kebap shop million euro bank account and fill the pockets of Hadjimaimouni, who buy new mansions every year.

When your children leave school then you realize what they have missed and what your money have gone for. 
You also realize that students from other schools learn at least one other extra foreign language… but that is another story we will prepare for you.

Keep Paying!

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